There is healing "beyond medicine?"
Betty Dye, housewife, mother of several children—and a psychic healer. In 1970, she treated James DePass who was suffering from nausea and stomach pains. Mrs. Dye went into a trance, diagnosed the trouble and put her hands on the patient. His pain vanished.
Cecile Diamond, age 14, suffered from inflammation of the brain. Rabbi Solomon Friedlander, a spiritual healer, placed an amulet in her hand and prayed. The next day she was able to leave the hospital.
These cases and the many more in Beyond Medicine are all documented, frequently by the use of medical statements taken before and after psychic healing has taken place.
Beyond Medicine probes into a relatively unknown and little-explored area of human activity—healing—and, cutting into the cant of the medical establishment, gives credibility to a group of remarkable individuals.