Throughout the course of history, royal unions have been a source of widespread fascination, even if, centuries ago, they were less about matters of the heart and more about strategy and politics. But setting aside end goals and happily ever afters, we love to revel in the meet-cutes, the courtships, and the opulent, dreamy, and always Instagram-worthy (even if they didn’t know it then) weddings. In this edition of Royal Insider, we look back at the romantic journeys of our favorite royals and revisit the dizzying glamour of royal nuptials from around the world.
ROYAL LOVE STORIES • From mere political alliances to enduring unions, royal romances have captured the world’s imaginations about lives played out in a regal realm.
The gift that keeps on giving
MODERN LOVE IN THE HOUSE OF WINDSOR • Two weddings, 10 years apart, would set the standard for British royal romance in the decades that have followed—Edward VIII’s wedding to American Wallis Simpson, and Queen Elizabeth’s longtime reign with fellow royal Prince Philip. Yet younger royals have also learned from their parents how to chart their own course in life and love.
THE GRAND AFFAIR • These royal weddings were fairy tales come to life, swoon-worthy spectacles that let viewers dream about the relationships that culminated in these celebrations, whether those dreams were reality or not.
A WORLD OF ROMANCE • Although British royals dominate celebrity magazine coverage, there are many other royal houses expanding their numbers with splashy ceremonies and tales of love.
SCANDINAVIAN SWEETHEARTS • Denmark, Sweden and Norway have had their own set of glamorous, crowned couples. In many ways, they are monarchies that have set trends in the way royals have approached romance in changing times.
LEAVING IT ALL BEHIND • Sometimes the price of love includes the loss of a title, wealth, or other tangible assets. But sometimes the rewards—freedom, mental health, and identity—are far greater.
HISTORIC UNIONS • A look into the past at the figures whose alliances have raised eyebrows then and now.
PEERING INTO THE CRYSTAL BALL • How will future royal romances and weddings unfold?
GREEN AND GROWING • How you can play your part in the Irish Heritage Tree movement
Royal Love Stories