Written to help you do a better job of managing your personal and family financial affairs and to help you get more for your money. You get ideas on saving, investing, cutting taxes, making major purchases, advancing your career, buying a home, paying for education, health care and travel, plus much, much more. Special issues cover the latest information about car buying (December) and Mutual Funds (March and September).
Infrastructure Flaws
Retirement Planning
Kiplinger’s Personal Finance
IRS PLANS TO TRACK DOWN TAX CHEATS • The proposal targets high-income taxpayers, but enforcement wouldn’t be limited to the top 1%.
THE INFLATION SPIKE PROBABLY WON’T LAST • Long-term demographic and economic trends will keep a lid on future price hikes.
YOU MAY GET MORE TIME TO TAP RETIREMENT ACCOUNTS • But delaying required minimum distributions isn’t always a good idea.
CALENDAR 08/2021
LESSONS FROM TOP INVESTING GURUS • Take a master class from some of Wall Street’s best.
How to Minimize Your Tax Bite • Use these strategies to boost your after-tax returns.
It’s a Good Time to Invest in Europe
The Tax-Exempt Train Rolls On
This Fund Bets on Revenues
Invesco S&P SmallCap 600 Revenue ETF
Bank-Loan Funds Are in a Sweet Spot • They do well when rates are rising and the economy is strong.
Health Care Stocks Are Bargains Now
A Comeback for Dividends
BEST FOR HIGH-NET-WORTH FAMILIES • These banks give you the royal treatment if you keep a big balance in deposit and investment accounts. They also have a nationwide branch presence and provide wealth-management services.
BEST FOR RETIREES • With these banks, retirees benefit from low or no minimum-balance requirements, free checks and paper statements, and access to investment and wealth-management services.
BEST FOR PARENTS WITH KIDS • Kids learn the ropes of banking with dedicated checking and savings accounts from these online banks, and parents have impressive options for their own needs, too.
Earn 3.54% With Series I Bonds
7 INVITING PLACES TO RETIRE • These small cities check all the boxes for an affordable, active retirement.
I Found the Perfect Place to Retire
Know When to Jettison a Stock • The decision to sell isn’t easy. Use our guide whether you’re taking profits or tossing a loser.
Keep Moving Costs in Check
Think Twice Before You Close a Credit Card • Even if you’re no longer using it, closing an account could ding your credit score.
AVOID THIS SUMMER’S RUSH PLAN A FALL GETAWAY • Prices will be lower, you’ll encounter fewer crowds, and pandemic restrictions are likely to ease even more.
A Last-Minute Getaway
Where to Go in Europe
See the U.S.A.
Pack Travel Insurance?
Ski for Less
Tough Times for a Family Business • His dry-cleaning operation was rocked by the pandemic, but he is staying optimistic.