Prevention magazine gives you healthy solutions you can really live with. Every issue delivers the latest news and trends on health, food, and nutrition, family, fitness, and more!
Say Hello to Your New Favorite Supergreen • One pretty backyard weed is actually a totally edible nutritional powerhouse—and tasty too! Purslane grows low to the ground; its sturdy, smooth leaves look a bit like succulents and are loaded with omega-3s, vitamin A, iron, magnesium, potassium, calcium, and antioxidants. The greens, which have a mild taste and a slight crunch, are best eaten raw and give a lovely flavor, texture, and nutrient boost when added to sandwiches and salads or used as a topping for omelets and tacos. Look for purslane at farmers’ markets, if not in your yard!
This Season’s Bug Repellent: Your Outfit
Taking On Sugar
Break Up TV Time
Dip, Drip, Drizzle
Create Your Healthiest Home • Master what it takes to make every room of the house safe and clean.
A Lifetime of Helping • Melissa Freeman, M.D., is a 96-year-old doctor still practicing in Harlem. Interviewer Allana Haynes talked to her about what she’s learned throughout her incredible medical career. Here, a fascinating snippet:
25-Minute Meal Under $10 • Chicken Piccata Pasta
FEEL-GOOD FLAVOR • Capers give this month’s dish its distinct tang, but they’re more than just a flavor lender—they contain important antioxidants and vitamins. Other condiments that will boost your meal:
BALANCE BOOSTER • Work on your balance and arm strength with the single-leg bicep curl.
How to choose the Perfect Walking Shoes • Constantly dealing with crammed toes or achy arches because you can’t find sneakers that fit just right? These tips from Chanel Perkins, D.P.M., a double board-certified podiatrist at UTMB Health in Houston, can help you find your perfect size.
When Walking Is More Than Walking • These participants in our Virtual Walk last fall found meaning and joy out on the road—and you can too. There’s still time to sign up for our spring event!
Mother-Daughter Duo • Taking Charge of Their Health and Aging
INNOVO is easy, non-invasive, and no prescription is needed.
Natural Benefits of Carrots • Carrots are versatile veggies full of fiber, vitamins A and C, and carotenoids, which can help improve vision and are linked to a reduced risk of certain kinds of cancer. Carotenoids are best absorbed when carrots are chopped, blended, or cooked and eaten with dietary fat, says Kory DeAngelo, M.S., R.D.N., an assistant professor and nutrition clinic coordinator at Bastyr University and Bastyr Center for Natural Health in Seattle. Try a few of her favorite recipes here.
How Plants Can Help Your Body & Mind • Horticultural therapy is a powerful healing tool.
Your Clean Beauty Glossary • Our expert-vetted guide demystifies these terms so you can find safe, effective products.
Tough Conversations Worth Having • Connect on these issues to avoid hurt feelings.
7 Unhelpful Habits Everyone Should Quit • Plucking damaging patterns from your life can boost your happiness so you’ ll really feel like a lucky duck.
Meet Your Hands • Get a grip on how your hands work—and how to keep them healthy so they can write, play, text, and touch for life.
Why Did I Look Pregnant Every Time I Ate? • This mom knew the pain and bloating weren’t just in her head. Now she’s helping others eat—and feel—better.
Could You Have SIBO?
Achy Breaky Neck? • Tips on taming the ouch
Make a Move • If you have 10 minutes, you can seriously help your heart.
THE CHEMICAL INVASION • For many people, compounds in the air and in everyday objects can...